Disassemble a single instruction using the disassembler context specified in
the parameter DC. The bytes of the instruction are specified in the
parameter Bytes, and contains at least BytesSize number of bytes. The
instruction is at the address specified by the PC parameter. If a valid
instruction can be disassembled, its string is returned indirectly in
OutString whose size is specified in the parameter OutStringSize. This
function returns the number of bytes in the instruction or zero if there was
no valid instruction.
Disassemble a single instruction using the disassembler context specified in the parameter DC. The bytes of the instruction are specified in the parameter Bytes, and contains at least BytesSize number of bytes. The instruction is at the address specified by the PC parameter. If a valid instruction can be disassembled, its string is returned indirectly in OutString whose size is specified in the parameter OutStringSize. This function returns the number of bytes in the instruction or zero if there was no valid instruction.